Adding Product Images and Galleries in WooCommerce – Beginners Guide

Adding Product Images and Galleries in WooCommerce – Beginners Guide

Images in an online store provide a visual treat to the customers and give them a better idea about any product. If you create a image gallery of your products it will be more attractive to the customer. You can easily add product images and gallery images when you create/add the product or edit an existing product.

Types of images

There are three types of product images that are available in WooCommerce for different locations and purposes:

  • Single Product Image or more precisely the featured image, serves as the main image for your product. Each product has a featured image. You must include a clear featured image and make sure that there is no text on the image.
  • Catalog Images are medium-sized images which appear in product loops, such as the Shop page, Product Category pages, Related products, Up-sells, and Cross-sells.
  • Product thumbnails are the smallest images which are used in the Cart, Widgets, and (optional) Gallery thumbnails of the Single Product Image.

Adding Product Images and Galleries

To add product images and galleries first you have to log in to your wordpress site dashboard. At the left side menu of Product you can choose Add New to add new product image, or All Products. If you want to modify a current product image find the item on the All Products page and open it up for editing.

Product image gallery settings

Product image

While creating a new product, you can set your main product image and add gallery images as shown below, as part of adding the product. You can also return back to a product to complete the setup, or to change it, and add images in the same way.

Set Product image

You can select an existing image in your Media Library or Upload a new one.

Product image

You can Remove and Edit the product image if you’d like to change it, as needed.

Adding, removing and editing a product image is done in the similar way as featured images for posts and pages.

Product galleries

Add images to product gallery

To add the images into a Product gallery, click on the Set product image link. This will open the WordPress media selector box just like a normal wordpress site. From here you can either pick uploaded images or add new ones if you wish.

Product galleries

Reorder images in product gallery

If you want to change the order of images that you have already uploaded in the product gallery, you can easily do so by dragging them into the order you prefer.

Re-order product galleries

Remove images from product gallery

Removing images is a breeze too, simply hover over the image and click the ‘x’ button that shows up. Once your Product Gallery setup will finish, be sure to click on the update button to save the changes.

Remove products

Customer view

Once a product image added and galleries  have been created, customers can see them in your online store.

This is how you can add various images for your product in any online store.

Related Article: Adding Product Images and galleries.

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