Quick Review of Yith – WooCommerce themes and plugins
Well integration with WooCommerce software
Well supports woocommerce related plugins and themes
Utilizes the default WordPress dashboard which needs some optimization(Removing un-wanted Dashboard menus/options)
If you are looking for WordPress based multi vendor solution means,you can consider YITH WooCommerce Multi Vendor Plugin to try out.
yithemes or shorly known as YITH offers multi vendor e-commerce solutions with its WordPress-woocommerce multivendor plugin.The plugin is build to run with Woocommerce(WordPress based free e-commerce solution) which offers multi vendor capabilities to the core Woocommerce(WordPress ecommerce plugin).

Here is the Detailed features overview of this plugin(premium version of the plugin)
Vendor page creation with following information: name, PayPal email address, Owner, Store description, Slug
Vendor Registration Page
Vendors/sellers can apply for the registration with the website to became as author and start selling the products.In the seller registration page you can collect various information such as name,paypal email,store name,description and many other details.
Global Commission Rate or Vendor Specific One
Administrator can set global commission rate which automatically detects the percentage of sales from vendor as a sales commission to the root store owner(Site Administrator)administrator can also set vendor specific commission rate which means you can assign different commission per each vendor. E.g Well performing vendor can pay low commission rather than others.
Superadmin can enable or disable sales for each vendor
At any time superadmin/root administrator can enable or disable sales of any of the vendor register with the store. This option works as handy,if the any of the vendor found to be involved with suspicious product sales.Using this option you can enable/disable the sales of the product from the particular merchant.
Manage vendor’s products
Sometimes, the vendor has no/very little knowledge about managing the product.At the time,this feature comes as life saver. Using this option,admin or sub-admin can manage(Add/Edit/Delete) the products of the particular vendor
Manage linked products: grouped, upsells and cross sells
To increase the sales conversion of the store this feature will helps as excellent marketing tool. Using this option you can group/bundle the product to sell with the other products as combo offer.And you can also this tool to upsell the product and cross sell with other products that helps to increase the overall sale of the store.
Payout Threshold
Payout(commission payout) for the merchants can be released when certain criteria set by the merchant itself(Payment threshold,number of product sold,Every week/month).’
Sales and commissions reports
Reports of the merchant performance over the time period will be displayed with nice graphics charts that helps to view the sales commissions at quick.
Vendor Display Widget
The vendor display widget lets you to display the list of all vendors who active with the store.
Vendor Order Management
In the separate vendor control panel vendor can manage their orders(Approve,hold,reject,complete,ship)
the order status accordingly
Dashboard notification for products that need approval
Product Admin Approval
New products from the vendors will go through the approval process,after approving the products only ,it will be published in the store front end.
But not all the products of the particular vendor will undergo the review process,the administrator excempt the products from the particular vendor from reviewing every-time.By configuring the option,the products from the particular merchant will be published immediately with out administrator review.This option helps when the store grows with time ,there is the products from the trusted merchants published immediately without any delay.
Registers can became Vendors using Single Click
The registered users of the site can apply/convert their membership into seller by the single click option available in their dashboard.
Vendor Page Customization
Vendors page can be further customized by providing more details of the vendors such as contact info(email address, telephone numbers, messengers, social media links)
Commission Rate Flexibility
The administrator can assign certain commission rate for vendor or assign product level commission.
Advanced reports for vendor shops: orders, stock management and commissions
Advanced Reports
The seller dashboard contains advanced statistics reports such as order reports,product stock report and seller commission reports(sale made,commissions earned,paid commissions,pending commissions)
Commission Calculation and Payment
when order is completed the commissions payment for the particular vendor is automatically calculated.And the commission will automatically paid when the payout threshold is met (payout limit,days from the order),The administrator can also make bulk payments(Mass payment processing to many at once) or they can pay commission individually.Once the payment is made the notification will be send to the receiver’s email address.At any time the administrator can view the commission earned by the particular vendor by narrow-down the search by using the filter such as(particular product,user,date).The administrator can also decide between the commission will be calculated if the coupon is used or not.
Link to the vendor page will be displayed on the every product information page.The administrator can choose the position for the vendor name which is displayed in the single product page.
The related products widget let you to display the related products to the particular page.The advanced widget management option lets you show
The store location widget enables you to display map of the store on the vendor page
The quick store widget lets you to display the store information in quick pop-up,and using the option you can also hide the particular option to unlogged users
Vendor profile page header page can be customized and can add logo and banner to the vendor shop page.
Vendor can manage various operations using bulk options available to them such as managing the products,order management,stock management.All these options are managed in bulk by selecting the elements and choose the actions.
Frontend Vendor Registration form lets the visitor apply for vendor account in a snap. And the administrator will get dashboard notification as soon as the new vendor request has been made. Administrator can choose between automatic approval or manual approval of vendor requests. Here are a few more options:
Assign maximum amount of products that each vendor can put on sale
Each merchants can create his/her own coupons and use it with buyer order
Seller can manage(Edit/Delete) reviews of his/her own products
Users can send messages about shop products(product feedback) to the administrator
Instant notification email to vendors for a new or a cancelled order
Site owner can set a minimum commission threshold under which preventing payments
Allow or block vendors to set one or more products as featured
Show the sold amount of each product linked to a vendor
Show the sold amount of products for each vendor in the related detail page
Administrators can offer the feature for vendors close their shops for vacations for a specific number of days
Integration with YITH Live Chat: customers can now send direct messages to vendors
Refund management system available for vendors
For more information visit the Yith – WooCommerce themes and plugins, and let us know how it goes by posting a comment.