Synchronize WooCommerce Bookings to Google Calendar

Synchronize WooCommerce Bookings to Google Calendar

It’s really tough marking dates on the calendar, managing your staff and working late at night to prepare for the next booking. To make this simplify you might need an automated calendar system that will keep you updated with the bookings.

WooCommerce Bookings Google Calendar Sync allow you to manage events, appointments and reservations, sell tickets for concerts and plays, and organize parties with friends and many more.

It also allows to synchronize bookings from Google Calendar to Woocommerce booking as well as WooCommerce bookings to Google calendar.

WooCommerce Bookings Google Calendar

Features of WooCommerce Booking Calendar Sync

Synchronize WooCommerce Bookings,

  • From Google Calendar to WooCommerce
  • From WooCommerce to Google Calendar
  • Auto/Manual Synchronization

How to Use WooCommerce Booking Google Calendar Sync

To use WooCommerce Booking Google Calendar Sync plugin, you need to install WooCommerce Bookings extension as well as WooCommerce Booking Google Calendar Sync.

  • First go to your WordPress Dashboard > Plugins > Add New and then upload these two plugins.

WooCommerce Bookings and Google calendar

  • When the installation will complete, both the extensions will appear on your WooCommerce store sidebar.

WooCommerce side bar

Next you have to integrate WooCommerce bookings with google calendar.

Integrate WooCommerce Bookings with Google Calendar

  • Navigate to WooCommerce > Settings > Integration. For integration, you need to create a project in Google Developers Console.

Google Calendar Integration

  • Now go t0, Projects > Create Project button. A new window will appear having Project Name and Project ID. Give a project name and assign an ID.
  • When the Project creation will complete you will be in Project folder. Now click on Library link on the left-hand menu and select the Calendar API.

Google calendar API

Click on the Enable button.

Google calendar API enable

  • You will prompt to create credentials. For that purpose, go to Credentials.

Google calendar API credentials

Use Web Browser (JavaScript) as the source

→Select User data as the data type

Alternately, select Create credentials and click on OAuth Client ID.

0Auth Client ID

  • After clicking OAuth client ID, the below screen will appear.

Create Client ID

Application type – Choose Web application

Name – Give a name of your credentials

Authorized JavaScript origins – Leave this field as blank

Authorized Redirect URIs – Enter the URL of your web store

Then click to the create button. After that, a pop-up will appear on your screen where you can find the Client ID and Client Secret.

  • Now you have to set up your OAuth Consent screen

0Auth Consent screen

Email address – Enter your email address, if already not selected.

Product name shown to users – Enter a name of your product here.

Homepage URL, Product logo URL, Privacy Policy URL – You can leave these fields as blank or can customize.

Now Save the changes.

  • Now copy the Client ID and Client Secret and paste that into Integration tab on your admin dashboard.

Get Calender ID

To get Calendar ID, create the calendar you will use in Google Calendar

Then go to My Calendars on the left, hover over the calendar name to reveal the Options menu.

Google calendar

Now select Settings and Sharing option.

Google calendar settings and sharing

Scroll down to Integrate calendar section. From there copy the Calendar ID.

Now go to WooCommerce > Settings > Integrations and paste the Calendar ID.

Finally, Save the changes.

Google Calendar Bookings Integration

  • Now, click on the Connect with Google button to authorize your account and calendar with google. Once authentication will complete you will see a message like: “You have successfully authenticated WooCommerce bookings to Google Calendar”.

Google Calendar Authentication

Once you’ve finished the configuration, you will be able to see new Bookings in your Google calendar.

google bookings view

The individual booking will also show the duration and the order ID.

Google Bookings Event View

That’s it! You have successfully integrated WooCommerce bookings to Google Calendar on your WooCommerce store.

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